Not even a week into 2022 and God held a mirror to my face through His word, " Receive my recovery. Stop resisting my rest for you."
I have been going 10,000 miles per minute since I can remember. I struggle with people-pleasing and being a hyper achiever so I do more for others to feel good about myself. It's toxic and God has given me some new strategies to combat this and I cannot wait to share them with you soon! This combination of desiring to make others happy because it's my valuation of success sometimes sends me into straight panic and depression. And after being sick with COVID, caring for an entire household with COVID, missing nearly 6 weeks of work in a fast-paced corporate environment, applying to a fellowship in hopes of launching a new school, missing church, juggling my kids' events and needs solo, and just missing being connected to others I was PRESSED. So much so that I reached out to my therapist and told her I thought I was in the most fragile state I’d been in nearly five years. I spoke to my therapist and had a great session. I had an even better session with God later that evening.
“A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period...Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over. If she gives birth to a daughter, for two weeks the woman will be unclean, as during her period. Then she must wait sixty-six days to be purified from her bleeding.” Leviticus 12: 1-5
When I first read this I was like, “ UMMMM, God, why are we unclean and being punished?” Because this is what society has taught us, women- to be pissed off when we are treated as unequal. But as I examined the scripture more, this was not a punishment, it was actually such a privilege that God would design the first maternity leave for women! Companies didn’t come up with this perk/benefit. God did! God is so concerned with the well-being, rest, and recovery of women that He set aside a time for mothers and women to just rest! No church, no offerings, no doing, no going and coming- just REST. And the world didn’t shut down while the Israelite women rested. The men were still going and coming and conducting business. The Israelite families still thrived even while the women were resting and tending to their babies for 40 and 80 days and during a woman's monthly period. When we rest, guess what? Men, neighbors, friends, kiddos step up. God is still in control. Things still get done.
I remember having my third baby and returning to work when she was only 10 days old. 10 days! And she was preemie! I thought if I didn’t work, I wouldn’t be able to care for her properly or make sure she had health insurance. I wanted to be with my baby but I also wanted to make a name for myself and advance in my career. My daughter is 14 years old now and I cannot remember a time since giving birth to her that I just rest and bond with my kiddos.
How much has our mindset shifted that we go from God’s provision of rest to our new mindset of the rush? God has been trying to carve out time for mothers/women to rest from the very beginning. He created the world and man in six days and then rested on the seventh. He required the Israelites to remember the sabbath and keep it holy. When they were wandering in the wilderness He provided a double portion of manna to ensure they could just relax and rest on the Sabbath. Then Jesus came on the scene and dared everyone to rest in Him. “Come to me all who are burdened and heavy labored and I will give you REST.” He even testified the Sabbath was made for man. It was made to benefit us, not restrict us.
In Moses' time, Jesus' time, and now in our time we are still not resting. God gave me the loving opportunity to rest from my work and worries three different times, over 6 weeks, through COVID illness in my home. My job allowed 2 weeks off work for each illness. And every single time He presented me rest, I rejected it because I viewed it as punishment. My perspective made me see the shame in COVID instead of the blessing. I still logged in to work every single day, checking emails, meeting with staff. Even as I was sick myself. I still felt responsible for so much and so many people. God was carving out the leave I needed to recover and reset and I rejected Him and His love, rest, and protection for me.
As you go about your day, week, month, this year, ask yourself “Is my perspective keeping me from receiving God’s reset and rest in my life?” Then ask God to forgive you for your stubborn independence on yourself and repent. Ask God to allow you to rest in Him. Stop resisting His reset. Receive His rest. It may not be packaged up all pretty like a 10-day all-inclusive vacation to the Maldives but it is STILL the grace, love, and mercy of God that has gifted you His rest and peace. Receive it. I love you. God loves you more!
Glory to God!!! He knows how, when, and where to send for help, comfort, and strength.....
Bless you for receiving the word of the Lord through the vessels of Hope of Glory Fellowship Dallas.
Feel free to join in ANYTIME!!!
Apostle Sinnara D Henderson