The old proverb "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" isn't all that true. And the saying that still gives me chills to this day "Words are nothing. Actions are everything. Don't tell me. Show me." I have always cringed when I heard these saying as a child and adult because words were always so weighty to me personally. Maybe that's why I write blogs and books. But words were heavy. They always carried meaning. And I've found they matter to God too.
From the words that make up our names to the vows we proclaim at our weddings, words carry power and meaning. The angel of the Lord shared with Mary, the mother of Jesus, his name shall be Jesus- wonderful, counselor, might God, everlasting father, prince of peace. Words that are so weighty that they carried the weight of sin for the whole world. Words are so important that Matthew shares that by our words we will be condemned or acquitted. And Proverbs, the book to study if you seek wisdom, tells us words carry life and death. There are high stakes at play with our words.
And yet, we oftentimes speak words with no thought to how weighty they are. We curse at our spouses and kids, say we are stupid and less qualified, point out flaws and judge everyone so carelessly, and share we are sick in body, mind, and spirit. We have used our words as weapons against others and ourselves when God has given us the power to use them for self prophecy. Today is a great day to take account of your words. The words that roll around in your thoughts and the ones that flow from your tongue. It's also a good day to repent and ask for forgiveness for the ones that hurt God, others, and ourselves. No more broken friendships and families and people over our weighty words.
I was studying 2 Chronicles chapter 34 when King Josiah found the books of the Law from Moses. These words, this book, had been lost to Judah for quite some time and the people were cutting up pretty bad. They were worshipping idol gods, burning their children in the fire- it was a whole mess. But when his officials read the book to him, he was moved to tears. The king was moved to tears, to worship, and to seek forgiveness for the entire kingdom's wrongdoing. While I lay in my bed reading this passage, I wept and then I sobbed. Chills went through my body just reading his encounter with the power of God's word. I didn't even read the books of law. Just reading his reaction to hearing the words deeply touched my soul and I too prayed, wept, and asked for forgiveness. Words can do that to all of us. What we say carries so much weight that it shapes our lives and the lives of others. I invite you to ensure your weighty words shape the healing, restoration, blessings, prosperity, hope, knowledge, and love of Jesus Christ. What words can you say to accomplish this? Ahhh, I'm so glad you asked! There is a word, an everlasting word, that will never lose its power and it's available to all. BIBLE. That's the book. That's the word for me.
I love you. God loves you more!