In the words of Timbaland, “It’s been a long time since I left you without a dope beat to step to...”
And it has been a LONG time. Wow!!!! I don’t think I’ve written anything- blog, manuscript, poetry- in months, close to a half years time. But I can say I woke up out of my sleep at 4:30am with a sense of urgency to write this morning. And I thank God for that!
There’s so much for us to catch up on! But in the meantime I wanted to share we are having a revival at church this week (4110 Ladale Dallas, Texas 75212) and last night I truly began to feel revived and rejuvenated. The preacher spoke on “Stay of out Egypt” from Isaiah 30. And this morning when I woke up the Holy Spirit reminded me to Stay out of my Egypt- my bondage, oppression, and place of restriction. God has called for His people to be set free from Egypt just like He did in the days of Pharaoh and Moses. And what Jesus Christ has set free is free indeed! God didn’t send Jesus to earth to die for our sins and to release us from the bondage of sin for us to dibble and dabble back and forth in our freedom.
Whatever God freed you from when Free Yourself Friday videos dropped, you ARE STILL FREE. Don’t dance with the devil and his attempts to make depression look appealing. Don’t trust his conniving deceit to make you believe your Egypt has anything to offer you. You’ve been called out of that place and are on your journey to the Promiseland. Just like the Children of Israel, the journey to Canaan may not be looking like what you think it ought to look like. But don’t trust your sight! Trust God! As believers we don’t trust what we can see. We walk by faith and not by sight! Because without faith it is impossible to please God.
I‘m committed to staying out of Egypt. Staying out of inviting strife in my life. Staying out of seeking financial gains to meet my needs and not trusting God. Staying out of saying no to the plans of God because they don’t look like the plans I want for myself. Staying out of despair and depression. Staying out of envy, jealousy, and unforgiveness. I don’t need to go back and just look around in Egypt. Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.
Join me in committing to stay out of your Egypt, to learn to trust God more and more. Welcome Back!
I love and MISS you so much! But God loves and misses you more. -Rose