We grab 3 story homes, foreign cars, name brand this and that, look for our names on the job board to be recognized as MVP, send our kids to snooty schools, wear other folks names on our clothes, and the list goes on. All because we desire to be validated. We desire to be recognized and accepted as right.
I personally struggled for years and still have slip-ups because I felt like I needed someone or something to affirm that my life is on the right track and what I do & who I am, is good. But Jesus Christ is a great example for us to review to help us shake this crap ASAP. In John 8 verses 12-14, there was a dispute over Christs' testimony and the Pharisees flat out told Christ His testimony wasn't valid because He wasn't an ideal witness. Christ shut that down with a quickness! Christ said, "I am VALID because I know where I come from and I know where I am going!" Yall, I was floored when I read this! Christ didn't come to play any games! It was so simple. He basically said because I know where I come from, The Father, and I know where I am going back to, The Father. And because of this, I am valid, approved, made right, and affirmed.
Free yourself from needing validation from the world, your boss, friends, those online stores that make you feel like wearing a 1X is unacceptable. How?
Know where you come from. Not where your momma and daddy come from but where you come from from the very beginning, God's beginning. God created you. He knit and formed you in your mother's womb. He chose you to be here and He loves His creation. Go back to God's beginning and know you're His and He was and is still pleased with His creation. You come from God, not no ape, monkey, amoeba. Not your zip code, county hospital, or adoption center. Know where you really come from.
Know where you are going. This life's journey is not one that you will fully know where it will take you along the way. Careers, children, family, friends, residential address, tax rate, will all change. How many years we get to spend loving on the people we care about is unknown. We have so many desires and aspirations but scripture tells us God's purpose will prevail. So we just have to trust God with our mortal life and years. But one thing we can plan with absolute certainty is where we go after we take our last breath. Make certain you know you are going to have eternal life with Christ by believing He is God's ONLY son and His death on the cross, the shedding of His blood, made you right with God. Know and BELIEVE this, and you are good in this life and the eternal one to come.
So when you find yourself feeling the desire to be recognized, to be right, even when you feel it's justified, call out that feeling and remind yourself "God recognized me when He laid the foundations of the Earth. He saw me and said I was good when He knit me in my mother's womb. He made me right by His death on the cross. Then ask yourself, "Why isn't God's recognition of me enough? What lie am I telling myself or believing from someone else?" Keep naming it. When we name it we take back power. So take back your power today! Gone head and pop your collar and pick out that fro, you're ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS because God said so!
I love you. God loves you more!