It’s almost Mothers Day and the US faces another round of controversy surrounding moms and a long-standing ruling for women to have the right to choose what happens with their reproductive organs. In just a few shorts weeks, Roe vs Wade is set to be overturned and abortions in the US will be virtually illegal and not protected by federal law. This isn’t a pro Life or Pro Choice post. A quick google search can provide all the thought and opinion pieces for that. This is just a post to remind us moms and future moms that our role has always been one of the highest responsibility and honor.
I’m reminded of Samson’s mom in the Bible. She was not even mentioned by name. But God met with her and told her she was once barren and childless but would become a mother to a son. God choose her to go from barren to pregnant and her son from a boy to a Nazarite. He also gave her very specific instructions to begin immediately, even before conception because from the womb her son would be dedicated to God. 1. Drink no wine or fermented drink. 2. Touch nothing unclean
She was so excited that she ran to tell her husband all that she had experienced and heard. Her husband later joins her and inquired of God what should THEY do to ensure Gods will is done in their sons life. And the angel of God stated, “ Your wife must do all that I commanded her.” That was it. Dad got no instructions. Just mom.
I was shocked. Here was a married couple. The husband was a praying man. He believed his wife and followed her to inquire of the angel of God. He was even ready to take on parenting Gods way. But yet, only mom got instructions.
This mom was personally spoke to by God. What an honor! She also bore the responsibility. Have you ever felt the heaviness of motherhood and knew that only you, mom, could do what needed to be done?
My grandmother would oftentime remind me when I would just sob on her lap from being so overwhelmed and unappreciated with being a mom, “A man works from dusk to dawn but a woman’s work is never done.”
Notice God didn’t even go into detail explaining nature vs nurture. He just commanded that what she put into her body and what she touched be watched. The same goes for us moms today. We must guard what we grant access to our minds, bodies, and thoughts. We have to be mindful of what touches our inside mind and heart, not just our stomachs- pornography, “reality” tv, harboring hate and unforgiving thoughts, envy, idle talk and gossip, and we can’t forget “relationship experts” that bash black women- it all spreads into how we show up for ourselves and mother our children. How we show up for our babies is affected by what we carry within ourselves.
So if you’re like me, conception time is over. My factory is closed! But I am still mom to some young people who need to see what I now carry in my spiritual womb is more powerful than any of the other junk I carried for years. Join me, moms, moms to be, foster moms and all mom figures in this moment in history to choose to be Pro God. And to care about what He cares about. And to ensure future generations feel the power and love of God from the very beginning.
In your prayer time today consider sharing with God what feels heavy and unclear about being a mom and raising up free and God loving children. Thank Him for choice of you to be in this role. Ask Him for His protection and to guard your heart and mind so that only what He deposits in you shows up in your parenting.
Happy Mother’s Day to you all!
God really loves you. Deeply.