My final Free Yourself Friday and I dropped it on a Tuesday🙌🏾. Hope you enjoy and I pray you stay free in spite of __________.
There’s a reason I didn’t fill in the in spite of and that’s because ours may sound or feel different But the result is still the same. We overcame!
No matter what the enemy brought up against you, you’re STILL here. And you’re more than capable to move past simply surviving and into thriving. Literally the choice is yours. I recommend you choose life. Jesus Christ is life and life everlasting. To know Him is gain. Every plan He has for you is good, even at times when they don’t feel good, they and you are still good. We may not think of ourselves as good and that’s because we sometime mix up the definition. We are Not good as in “worthy of appreciation or without defect” but good, as in we are in right standing with God.
Sickness can not change your standing. Broken hearts, pain, job loss, addiction, depression, anxiety, being poor, failing a class, breaking up with a partner, death, our only enemy, Satan, and nothing else you are experiencing can EVER change your standing with God. You have been made the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. Now it’s time to walk in it, live in, and speak in it.
The choice is yours! The power of the resurrected God indwells in you. You have power to be free AND remain free IN SPITE of _____.
Be free today and forever more! I love you and God loves you more!