Ok so the first statement everyone tells me when they find out I’m a published author is, “Seriously?! I’ve written a book too but don’t know what to do next.” You all won’t believe how many stories sit untold! It makes my heart hurt to know so many voices are not inspiring generations. I want to inspire and empower. And this reason alone is why my PUSH to Publishing workshops came into existence.
I recently published a children’s book, Annie Jane’s Wish, for my 83 year old grandmother. This was nearly a 30 year old dream in manuscript form that had sat on several family members hard drive until February 2018. 30 years our families heritage and rich history idly sat. Since I published the book, we’ve had such a great time storytelling in our family and remembering the lives of our ancestors. I even had a DNA test done to verify the story. Can you say mind blown?!
Books unlock memories, evoke dreams, and maximize the almost forgotten art of storytelling. There’s someone waiting on you and your book. They cannot fulfil their destiny until they read your words. Don’t delay! Get published!
There are so many ways to get those manuscripts turned into a masterpiece. Traditional, self, and hybrid publishing is at your fingertips. I’m here to help! The way I see it, when you publish your work, your story now become interwoven into my story, and our stories combined will change more lives than alone.
I hope to see you at my next PUSH workshop, June 30th. Get published! Don’t delay!