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My friend is here now...

Writer's picture: Rose ChiversRose Chivers

I can remember hurriedly rushing to a restaurant in anticipation to meet my good friends for happy hour. We were planning to CE-LE-BRATE! And whenever we got together we knew how to have a good time. I was the first to reach the planned happy hour destination which was so uncharacteristic of me. So I told the hostess I was waiting for 3 friends. He offered, "Allow me to seat you while you wait. I'll have a drink menu here for you shortly. Enjoy!" So I obliged and took my seat, a window seat, so I could see my friends as they entered. One by one my friends trickled in. One running because she is always LATE. I mean almost miss the gathering late. Another shuffling through her purse trying to locate her phone. And finally, one friend waving at me through the glass as she saw me waiting. Each time one walked through the door I managed to inform the hostess, "My friend is here now." I felt so proud to have friends and to be able to notify someone of their arrival. It was my honor to ensure they were seated promptly to ensure the good times would ROLL. That night was one of drinks, laughs, memories, and all around good times. We had a blast and the before you knew it we were gone. Hugging and kissing one another, promising to not let so much time pass between our next visit, and saying our goodbyes to head to our loved ones. What an awesome happy hour that was. 

I keep replaying, "My friend is here now" in my head as I try to recall my grandfather's statement while hospitalized here recently. "My friend is here now with me. He's here now." I was puzzled? What friend, Poppy? Poppy is old, fraile, and suffers from end stage dementia. He doesn't talk anymore as he's almost forgotten how to verbalize words. Just mostly grunts and nods. "My friend is here now." There was no friend. Just me, his 35 year old granddaughter. I corrected him in hopes of bringing him back to reality, "Poppy what friend? Where's this friend at?" He simply replied, "My friend is here now with me to take me with him." 

I frighteningly looked all around the hospital room. Was I tripping? Who was in this room? And where was this friend taking him? My mind immediately thought it was the death angel. Fear set in. I had experienced this death angel once before when visiting my sister the last time before she passed away. His presence made me afraid. My skin raised off my arms and I immediately knew it was time to leave my sister's side. I did not want any parts of this visitor again. Not today, tomorrow, or any day. I was all too familiar with this visitor, the death angel, and I had no intention of staying around to witness another visit. So I grabbed my purse and iPad and started readying myself to leave Poppy in the care of his nurses. 

I was freaked out! "My friend is here now". But I couldn't be worried for Poppy because I was too afraid for me. What if this friend got the wrong person in the room? I couldn't leave my babies? They were too young. I couldn't leave this world. I had just began living life. I had to leave. I was suffocating with fear. It never occurred to me Poppy's words...Poppy a 79 year old, traveling minister during his prime, faithful servant of God, devoted husband and grandfather's words..."My FRIEND is here NOW." He knew this person. He knew him to be real and to be a friend. He knew him to be a comforter. He knew him to be on time. Poppy knew that everything was ok because his friend had showed up to see about him. 

Poppy is now in ICU fighting for his life due to an UTI. And all I can do is smile because I know his friend is there. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who love Him. How sweet is that?! I don't care where you are- in a business meeting, labor and delivery, at the grocery store, in a bank, or flying on a plane. No matter how high or low you are your friend is here now. He's ever present, all knowing, abounding in grace and mercy. He cares about you. He left his spirit to indwell in you. And when He sees fit, He comes and visits you just to remind you..."Your FRIEND is here now." 

Take comfort in Poppy's word but more importantly never forget Jesus said, " I will never leave you nor forsake you." Wherever you are just know He's there too.



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