Ok so your friend just got married, or coworker landed a promotion they didn't deserve, or better yet your family member just got the house or baby that you've been praying for.
Please! I beg you! Stop trying to live your life based on what other people have. Let's free ourselves from always looking to the left and the right. In 2018, Try looking up to God. Scripture says "I know the plans I have for YOU..." This is personal so why do we make it plural by being all in His plans for others?! I'm guilty too but we can do this together!
There's a song that states "you don't know the cost of the oil in My alabaster box". We don't know the price others paid for their blessing. It may be a price we are not willing to pay. So let's free ourselves from stress, worry, and the ungratefulness that stems from trying to keep up with the Jones's.
I love you but God loves you more!