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Writer's pictureRose Chivers

Daniel's Fast or your "idol" fast???

I started a fast from food from 6am until 6pm Dec 31st at the request of one of our senior Evangelists at my church. Jan 1st I failed. Plus I don't really eat between those hours anyway so I figured in my heart maybe I'll lose a few pounds and be obedient to my church leaders at the same time.

 When I tell y'all God was NOT pleased!!!!! I had the worst anxiety of my life! I wasn't sleeping, I was stressed, my face broke out, all hell broke out on my job, and the list goes on and on. But then when I was really quiet one night something in my spirit said fast from checking your book sales for 7 days. I almost cussed! I quickly asked "How am I gonna not check my book sales??!!! If I don't check the sales then I won't know how to promote and market". But I heard the suggestion again clear as day "Don't check the book sales for 7 days and I'm gonna blow your mind."

It's only been 4 days but I have so much peace!!!! I get the most overwhelming feeling of love and gratefulness when I wake up. I almost forgot to post my Free Yourself Friday video today because I've been resting in HIM. 

Long of the short, it ain't always food that's occupying our time with God. I'm fasting from worrying and selfish ambitious gain and I'm already feeling lighter! Purpose in your heart to fast from whatever is making you worship idols. My idol had become worry, finances, and external validation. Fast from your idol and watch God move! 

Daniel purposed in his heart not to eat the kings meat and drink his wine because that meat had been offered as a sacrifice to pagan gods before being given to him and the 3 Hebrew boys. And God had specific commands on clean and unclean meat. So Daniels fast was not merely to lose weight. It was to be obedient to God's word. So he gave up some thing that was offered to him so that he could please God. 

Daniels fast was great and is still great but God is more interested in *insert your name here* fast. What's your idol? What does God want you to give up in order to please Him? 

Love ya lots! But God loves you more! 

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