Life is busy. We are busy. We are always waiting for a store to open, open, open. But we never seem to close up shop and rest.
There is just always something to do, buy, see, read, and experience. It's overwhelming! And I should know because I just self published my first book, finished my MBA, buried my dad, accepted my call into ministry, preached 4 sermons, and started a business all in the past 12 months. Not to mention I'm a full time mom to five children, wife, employee, friend, aunt, sister, and the list goes on. So I know a little bit about being busy. To be honest, I'm just tired from writing all that lol.
God called us to be workmen not busy bodies. Jesus even ducked off away from the crowds when He had finished doing what He needed to do. Don't forget He was asleep on the boat when all chaos broke out with the storm on the water. Jesus believed in being rested. Why? Because you can't do what you've been called to do if you're busy doing everything else. Period.
Jesus visited Martha, Mary, and Lazarus one day. Martha opened her home and invited Him in. She got so busy hosting, and preparing, and prepping when she looked around and saw her sister, Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus. Martha like to lost it. She snapped at Mary about all the things she was doing while Mary was taking it easy. Jesus answered for Mary and basically told Martha she should learn from her sister because what Mary was doing, resting, listening, and learning from Him, was the only thing that would remain and never leave.
Jesus was saying, "Only what you do for me will last." Let us be mindful while we are out here working ourselves to death that Christ said resting at His feet and learning of him is the only thing that will remain. Our jobs won't remain, our health will even deteriorate (for you gym baes), our homes, cars, friendships, everything will pass away eventually. So take some time to rest in Him.
I love you but God loves you more! Free Yourself Friday- Busy body